Your Home away from Home.

The owners of Badgerleur Bush Lodge initially bought an old farm house at an auction eight years ago. The initial goal, as it was with most hospitality outlets, was to build a game lodge of choice for the international visitors during the 2010 Soccer World Cup. What they have today is a world class tourist destination.

Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control. Aging stock are selectively harvested and processed for the meat market.

Badgerleur sells their certified venison meat at various markets in Johannesburg.

Truly felt like home.

We’ll definitely be back soon!


Features & Facilities

A Relaxing Atmosphere.

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3 Stryfontuin, Greylingstad, 1441

TEL: Doug  +27 82 554 1967


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